Heritage Days Sign Ups
Food Vendor
Registration is open to be one of the Remus Heritage Days food vendors for 2024! The dates are Friday, July 19- Sunday, July 21
Here is this year's food vendor registration link:
Arts & Crafts Show
Information Coming Soon!
Heritage Days Sponsor
Remus Heritage Days could not be possible without the continued support of our local sponsors. If you would like to help support RHD, please click on the Sponsor Form below and mail completed form to:Remus Heritage Days PO Box 92, Remus MI 49340.
Community Wide Yard Sales
We will be putting together a map of all the yard sales in the area for Heritage Days and dispersing them throughout Remus.
Garage sale dates are
Wed., July 17 – Fri., July 19.
Click THIS LINK to register your garage sale.