324 S. Sheridan, P.O. Box 71, Remus, Michigan 49340

A Michigan nonprofit corporation with federal tax-exempt status (501(c)(3). Our purpose is to preserve and celebrate the rich heritage of Wheatland, Broomfield, Rolland, Millbrook, Hinton, Sheridan, Morton, Martiny, Austin, Colfax Townships, and the surrounding area.
The Remus Area Historical Society (RAHS) is participating in the Mecosta Community Giving-2020 fundraiser for non-profit organizations. We need your help. Your gift will be an immediate help for our cause—the Remus Museum. Upon making a gift of $50 or more, we will send you a “Remus History Coloring Book”, a keepsake from our staff.
October 2020
Dear Neighbor:
We hope you are able to support your local Remus Museum with a gift. Annual donor/member gifts are used to operate the museum and carry out activities. The Remus Area Historical Society, Inc., an educational and charitable organization, was formed to celebrate the heritage and preserve the cultural and historical resources of the eastern townships of Mecosta County and the western edge of Isabella County. The Museum serves area residents, tourists, and former residents. The all-volunteer group is organized as a nonprofit corporation; donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. This year those who do not itemize will be able to deduct donations up to $300 due to CARES Act.
Thanks To You we continue to make progress. This last year we held the Genealogy workshop series and added to the Agricultural display in recognition of Gerald Stickler. Work continues on an oral history project featuring photos and interviews with area elders and an “Honoring Our Community” project that includes historical placards with photos and information about old Remus to be mounted in town. Museum volunteers also worked to catalog the Morgan West Wheatland Cemetery in Wheatland Township collating all available records to make death and burial records more complete and are beginning work on Morton Township Cemetery. We are continually improving our historical collection and making it available to you at the Remus Museum open from May – October! Volunteers always welcome!
We so appreciate all the support you’ve given us over the years. Please complete the donor form below and mail it along with your check to P.O. Box 71, Remus, Michigan, 49340. If you have further questions, please contact me at (989) 560-8305 or email me at lhoward@cmsinter.net. Thank You in advance!
Very truly yours,
Linda Howard, Board President
For more information, go to the Remus website at www.remus.org, email: RemusMuseum@gmail.com, call Linda Howard (989) 560-8305, Char Lenon (989) 967-8153, or Dawn Snyder (989) 561-5469
Yes, I wish to support the Remus Area Historical Society (RAHS) and museum.
Contact Name (s) ____________________________________
Would you rather remain anonymous? _____ yes ______no
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________
Phone Number ______________________Email Address _____________________
$____ is enclosed for 2021 RAHS membership. ($35-individual, $50-family, $100-business or group, $500 – supporting member/group. )
Enclosed is also a $ _____gift made in memory/honor of: __________________________Please mail an acknowledgement to __________________(name) _____________________________(address) _______________________________city/state/zip.
$________ TOTAL enclosed.
Please make check made payable to RAHS mail to: Remus Area Historical Society (RAHS), Inc., P.O. Box 71, Remus, Michigan 49340 or send a gift by using the payment button by going to Remus.org or Remus Area Historical Society on Facebook